Organic luxury wild honey & herb from the lush ancient forest for heatlhy life, promotes collagen and restore skin firmness

Indigenous Handwoven Craft

We are expanding our collaboration with the locals and indigenous through their traditional method of craft with the twist of contemporary design, eye candy for gifts and personal collection. We also welcome customade order for events and gifts at a small quantity!

Make your order now.

Tualang honey - winner of London International Honey Awards 2022

Tualang honey + Cumin for 6 months, bad cholesterol is down a full 50 points - Donna Kay, United States

Customer Feedback

Magical Taste

Hi Nirvana, all arrived well. I tried the two honeys now. The tualang is very pleasant and extremely refined, a treasure of honey, I am already thinking about when the snow will come and I can have breakfast with the Tualang, it will be indescribable magic.

I' ve never tried Kelulut Honey before, it has very particular taste, also very interesting. Thank you very much and see you soon from Switzerland." - Giovanni Battista, Balestraarchitetto.

Get your honey now

Breakfast with Gelam

Having my daily breakfast with addition of Gelam honey for the first time. The honey took me to a journey into the wild forest in its taste and the smell. It keeps me wanting to have the honey more and more - Wolfgang, Austria

You want Gelam

Do you want to experience honey harvest in the lush wild rainforest?

Reach out to us if you want to see the honey harvest, participate in the reforestation and bee conservation efforts.

Help us retain the 130 million year old rainforest and experience tropical wilderness once in a lifetime.
